What tools do the web professionals use?

  • A computer. January be that sounds obvious to some people, but some of you are reading this article from your phone or a library computer. For serious web development, it’s better to invest in a desktop computer (Windows, Mac, or Linux).
  • A text editor, to write code in. This could be a free text editor (e.g. Notepad++, gedit, Brackets, or Text Wrangler), a commercial text editor (Sublime Text or Coda) or a hybrid editor (Dreamweaver).
  • Web browsers, to test code in. Currently the most-used browsers are Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, and Internet Explorer. You should also test how your site performs on mobile devices and on any old browsers your target audience may still be using extensively (such as IE 6–8.)
  • A graphics editor, like The GIMP, Paint.NET, or Photoshop, to make images for your webpages.
  • A version control system, to collaborate on a project with a team, share code and assets, and avoid editing conflicts. Right now Git is the most popular version control tool.
  • An FTP program, to upload webpages to a server for public viewing. There are loads of these programs available including Cyberduck, Fetch, and FileZilla.
  • An automation system, like Grunt, to perform repetitive tasks automatically, for example minifying code and running tests.
  • Templates, libraries, frameworks, etc., to speed up writing common functionality.
  • More tools besides!

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